Here is a list of Halloween words and phrases starting with letters A through Z.
- afraid
- afterlife
- alarming
- alone
- amulet
- annual
- apparition
- autumn
- banshee
- basket
- bat
- bats
- beast
- beasts
- bewitching
- bite
- bizarre
- black
- blackcat
- blackcats
- blackmagic
- blackmass
- blood
- blood-curdling
- blood-sucking
- bloody
- bobbing
- bogeyman
- bone
- bone-chilling
- bones
- bonfire
- boo
- brains
- brew
- brimstone
- broom
- broomstick
- bubbling
- cackle
- cadaver
- candles
- candy
- candyapple
- candycorn
- cape
- carve
- carvings
- casket
- cat
- cauldron
- cemetery
- charms
- chilling
- chills
- chocolates
- clairvoyance
- clairvoyant
- cloak
- cobweb
- cobwebs
- coffin
- concoction
- conjure
- contort
- corpse
- costume
- costumed
- coven
- cowardly
- crawly
- crazed
- creaking
- creature
- creeping
- creepy
- cringe
- crow
- crypt
- curses
- damned
- dark
- darkness
- dead
- deadly
- death
- decapitated
- decapitation
- decomposed
- decomposing
- decorations
- dejavu
- dematerialize
- demon
- devil
- devil-incarnate
- devilish
- devils
- dim
- dire
- disembody
- disembowel
- disguise
- disguised
- disgusting
- disturbing
- doom
- doomed
- doorbell
- dracula
- dreadful
- dressed-up
- dress-up
- druids
- dunk-for-apples
- dunking-for-apples
- dusk
- ectoplasm
- eek
- eerie
- effect
- enchant
- entomb
- evil
- evil-spirits
- exorcise
- exorcism
- exorcist
- eyeballs
- eye-of-newt
- eyepatch
- facepaint
- fairy
- fangs
- fantasy
- fear
- feasting
- fiend
- fire-and-brimstone
- flashlight
- flesh-eating
- fog
- foggy
- fog-machine
- fortune-teller
- foul
- frankenstein
- freak
- freddy
- fright
- frighten
- frightening
- frightful
- frozen
- frozen-with-fear
- fullmoon
- fun
- gargoyles
- garlic
- gasp
- gasping
- ghastly
- ghost
- ghostly
- ghoul
- ghoulish
- gnarl
- goblin
- goodies
- goosebumps
- gore
- gorging
- gory
- gourd
- gourds
- gown
- grave
- gravestone
- graveyard
- gremlin
- grim
- grimreaper
- grisly
- groaning
- gross
- grotesque
- growling
- gruesome
- guise
- guts
- hag
- hair-raising
- halloween
- halloween-costume
- halloween-decorations
- halloween-festivities
- halloween-night
- halloween-party
- hat
- haunt
- haunted
- haunted-house
- haunting
- hauntingly
- headless-horseman
- headstone
- hell
- hellbound
- hellhound
- hex
- hideous
- hobgoblin
- hobgoblins
- hocus-pocus
- horrible
- horrify
- horror
- horseman
- hover
- howl
- howling
- hysteria
- hysterical
- icky
- in-disguise
- insanity
- intestines
- jack-o-lantern
- jason
- jinx
- jokes
- jumpsuit
- keep
- labyrinth
- lantern
- lightening
- macabre
- magic
- magical
- magicspells
- magictricks
- magicwand
- make-believe
- make-up
- maniac
- manic
- manifestation
- mask
- masked
- masquerade
- mausoleum
- maze
- medusa
- mesmerize
- metamorphosis
- miasma
- midnight
- mischief
- mischievous
- mist
- moan
- moaning
- moldy
- monster
- monstrous
- moon
- moonlight
- moonlit
- morbid
- mummy
- mutilate
- mysterious
- mystery
- mystical
- nasty
- neighborhood
- netherworld
- newt
- night
- nightfall
- nightmare
- nightmarish
- nighttime
- ninja
- noisemaker
- noisy
- noose
- occult
- occultism
- occurrences
- october
- october31st
- ogre
- ominous
- orange
- otherworldly
- outerlimit
- outfit
- owl
- pagan
- parade
- party
- pendant
- pentagram
- petrify
- petrifying
- phantasm
- phantom
- phenomena
- phenomenon
- pillowcase
- pirate
- pitchfork
- poltergeist
- possess
- possessed
- potion
- potions
- pottersfield
- prank
- pranks
- prankster
- pretend
- prey
- prince
- princess
- prowl
- psychic
- psychopath
- pumpkin
- pumpkin-carving
- pumpkin-patch
- punch
- purple
- quake
- queen
- quiver
- rasp
- raven
- repugnant
- repulsive
- revolting
- rip
- ritualistic
- river
- robe
- robot
- sack
- sacrifice
- safety
- sarcophagus
- scar
- scare
- scarecrow
- scared
- scaredy-cat
- scary
- scary-stories
- scream
- screams
- screech
- screeching
- scythe
- season
- seer
- sexy
- shadow
- shadows
- shadowy
- shiver
- shock
- shocking
- shriek
- shrieking
- sinister
- skeleton
- skeletons
- skulduggery
- skull
- skulls
- slink
- soothsayer
- sorcerer
- sorceress
- sorcery
- soul
- specter
- spectral
- spell
- spellbound
- spider
- spiderweb
- spine-chilling
- spine-tingling
- spirit
- spirits
- spook
- spooked
- spooky
- stake
- startled
- startling
- strange
- superhero
- supernatural
- superstition
- superstitious
- supervision
- suspicious
- sweets
- tarantula
- terrible
- terrify
- terrifying
- terror
- terrorize
- thirty-first
- thrilling
- toads
- tomb
- tombstone
- transylvania
- treasure
- treat
- treat-bag
- treats
- trembling
- trick
- trickery
- trickor
- trick-or-treat
- trick-or-treating
- tricks
- troll
- twilight
- ugly
- undead
- unearthly
- uneasy
- unexpected
- unexplained
- unmask
- unnerving
- up-to-no-good
- vampire
- vanish
- vein
- vixen
- voodoo
- wail
- wailing
- wand
- wandering
- warlock
- warts
- web
- weird
- werewolf
- whisper
- whispering
- wicked
- wig
- witch
- witchcraft
- witchdoctor
- witchs-cauldron
- wizard
- wizardry
- wolfman
- wooden
- woodenstake
- worms
- worrisome
- wraith
- yells
- yelp
- zap
- zombie
- zorro
There are lots of other fun word lists on this website to explore.
Thank you for helping my group to find words for trick or treat!
You helped me and my group find words to use for our haunted house.
Thank You!